Yes, it’s a thing! But first, you need to understand what “hypoallergenic” means. “Hypo” means “less”, not “non”, so hypoallergenic cats are less allergenic, not without any allergen.
Why Cats Cause Allergies
Most people think they are allergic to cat fur, but this is actually not the case. Cats produce a protein in their saliva called feld1. And it is this protein that people are usually allergic to. When the cats lick their fur, the protein gets on their fur and thus causes people to be allergic to what seems like their fur, but is really the saliva.
Types of Hypoallergenic Cats
There are basically two types of hypoallergenic cats:
- Cats that produce less feld1 protein. Different cat breeds produce different amounts of feld1 proteins. One specific breed produces a whole lot less. This breed is called a Siberian Forest Cat. To be clear, this cat is definitely not a non-shedding cat. Actually they are quite the opposite. They are long haired cats that have a triple coat (which is needed in the Siberia to keep them warm).
- Cats that shed less. Less shedding can reduce allergies because less of the allergen is spread around the house. Cats that shed very little are
- The Cornish Rex
- Sphynx
- Oriental Shorthair
- Peterbald
To decide which cat is right for you would depend on many personal factors. Cats groom themselves a lot, so if you are severely allergic to cats, any cat that produces a normal amount of feld1 protein might cause problems, and even the lesser producing ones can cause issues when pet. Most people who own cats want to pet and touch them, and once the saliva is transferred to the fingers, it can cause an instant reaction, especially if you touch your face or rub your eyes after petting them.
There are things that can be done to mitigate cat allergies. See some of those things here.